Security and Confidentiality

The Omnivox Technology, develop by Skytech Communications, used by the Cégep Heritage College subscribes to very rigorous rules with regards to security and confidentiality. Every precaution has been taken so that the information pertaining to you is protected again any error, loss or unauthorized access.


All of the operations carried out via Omnivox are encrypted in order to assure the confidentiality of the information circulating between Omnivox and you.


Access is controlled by several firewalls filtering access requests in order to identify and neutralize any unauthorized penetration attempt.

Payment of fees via Omnivox

Omnivox simplifies the lives of students, teachers and employees of the College by integrating effective communication tools. Management of student records is greatly facilitated.

The Payment Center service for example, allows to pay tuition fees easily. Once the payment is accepted by the bank, the balance is automatically adjusted in the student's file, simplifying the life of both the student and the college. Please note that no refund is offered for this transactions.

All payments made via Omnivox are in Canadian currency (CAD).

In case of error or technical problems, please contact the Cégep Heritage College at 819.778.2270 as soon as possible.

The cards accepted by Omnivox of Cégep Heritage College are:

Cégep Heritage College is located at:
325, boul. Cité des Jeunes
Gatineau, (Québec) Canada
J8Y 6T3

Confidentiality Measures

Closing the session

It is important to close your session as soon as you are done using or when you must, in the course of using, leave for a moment.

Use of cookies

Cookies are used in Omnivox. These files are used to identify you from one visit to the next and from one page to another within your work session in order to facilitate your access and browsing. Cookies can only be read by the Web site that transmits them to you.

The cookies used in Omnivox help to gather your browsing preferences and do not contain any other sensitive information.

Supported browsers

To achieve an optimal experience, we suggest using Omnivox with the following browsers:

  • Chrome (latest version)
  • Firefox (latest version)
  • Microsoft Edge (latest version)
  • Safari - For Mac (version 10+)